YEAH!!! We made it 1 week old today...I am so happy. So, let's see...My mother in law came this afternoon and helped me with some of the house work. My OCD is kinda getting out of control. Every little thing I see out of place makes me insane. I just feel like my life is so out of control that I need to control everything else I can. The house work falls in the category of can be controlled. So, due to my OCD I have a hard time just sitting down and forcing myself to rest, heal and relax from childbirth. Having her here today really took a load off my shoulder. Plus, not seeing a dusty table and floors that need to be swept just puts me at ease. I know some people think I am crazy and there are obvious things that are more important then dusting but Meh..this is my coping mechanism.
So, little Chris is doing great. They took him off of all IV fluids today and they started weening him from the CPAP. The procedure is called "windowing". Basically, the procedure consist of taking him off the CPAP and placing him on a nasal cannula for 1 hour and seeing how he does. HE DID GREAT!!!! The doctors decided to window him for 1 hour every 12 hours. The problem that I am having is this...He has done so very very well these last 7 days and I am just waiting for the bottom to fall out of my dream cloud. I have been told like 10 gazillion times in the NICU more often then not it is 2 steps forward and 1 back. So, far we have had step after step after step in the right direction and I am just holding my breath. I mean....please please don't get me wrong I DO NOT want anything to go wrong. I want to have the biggest success in NICU history. This is just how I feel right now. I guess this is what it is like being a parent....till the day he comes home and every night when I lay him to bed; on his first date; when he goes away to college I will hold my breath and say a little prayer for him. But....all in all, with all my worry, today was another good day at the NICU. Oh, and I made a sign to put on his warmer to announce how old he is.
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