"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body." Elizabeth Stone

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day #6 Look at that wingspan

So, I had therapy today and it was definitely needed. It felt good to cry to someone that wasn't emotionally invested in Trey like family and stuff.
Today, Trey got his 1wk head CT. They use it to check for brain bleeds. The bleeds are classified on a scale of 1-4. 1 being nothing to worry about and 4 being very serious. So, as I sat there and waited for a doctor I thought I was going to die. The waiting was killing me. I just kept saying to myself please no bleed. The nurse saw that I was melting down and she attempted to keep us busy changing diapers and bedding. At some point, I said something about the test and she said " I know that I shouldn't say anything, I should wait for the doctor but you are freaking out." She then told me that there was a possible not definite class 1 bleed. Believe it or not that is actually okay news. My heart breathed a sigh of relief. The doctor came to us a few minutes later. She said, yep there is a possible not definite bleed. Worst case sering he might have ADD, or a mild learning disability but nothing that will set him apart from his peers. That is GREAT I thought. So, more watching and waiting. No more important testing for now.
So, all in all he is doing well. His feeding are up to 11ml every 2 hours. He is pooing and peeing like a champ and so far no hiccups or real issues to worry about.
So, after we talked to the doctor the nurse spent sometime talking with us and answering question and my husband said "hey, what is his wing span" He is planning Treys future NFL career. We grabbed a measuring tape and found out that it is 16 in long. 1 inch longer then he is. So, now I decided that he is long and hairy just like a little monkey....MY little monkey.