So not much has changed in Trey's status. He is still doing very well. The doctors are still giving him a little rest from the windowing but I have to tell you how much he hates the CPAP. See, the CPAP is held on to him with a head strap and it has prongs that go into his little nose, also it is pretty heavy. CPAP weights 22grams. Sometimes the CPAP will break down the nose because preemies have such under developed skin. Trey is not having a break down problem but we (the nurses, Chris and I) feel that the CPAP is starting to make him uncomfortable. Either it is bothering his nose or his head or both. So, Trey decided that he will occasionally window himself by pulling the CPAP off of his face. Hopefully, they will start windowing him again soon to give him a break from the CPAP before he figures out a way to throw it out of his isolett. Trey did gain quite a bit of weight going from 1196grams to 1249grams. At first, we thought that it was a mistake so he was re-weighed 3 times. Each time we got the same number. Also, this is great news...the abrasion that he had on his left arm looked like it was getting infected. The nurses removed the plastic that was covering it and began to take a sample of it. Once they wiped it all the puss came off and underneath was healthy skin. It doesn't even look like anything at all but the test came back that it was positive for MRSA. MRSA is a type of staf that is on everyones body naturally. The difference is that MRSA is very resistant to antibiotics. So, if someone gets MRSA it can grow out of control and cause infections and it is hard to treat. The positive part about this is that Trey must have a great imune system because by the time they cleaned it and sent out the lab work for it his little body faught it off and now it just looks like a patch of dry skin...The doctors are unconcerned about it..Wheew
So, Chris and I decided that due to the weight loss that we would not do kangaroo care (holding him out of his isolett) for a few days. As much as it really sucks, we know that we will have plenty of time to hold him when he is bigger...He really needs time to grow and believe it or not he burns alot of calories just getting weighed and the regular stuff let alone coming out of the isolett and maintaining his own body temp. So, we really like helping them do the day to day care when we are there. At eight o'clock, he gets fed, weighed, diaper change, new bedding and stuff like that. Today, Chris was holding Trey while they were weighing him or something and he was so awake and alert. Very different from his usually sleepy behavior. Trey just starred at Chris. Perfectly focusing on every move Chris made. It was surreal. Oh, this is funny....So, Chris was changing Trey's diaper and while he was putting the clean diaper on, Trey had some projectile poop..Chris jumped back as if it was a bomb...It was the funniest thing I have every seen. is a picture of the CPAP...see why it is so uncomfortable
His hands look so big!!
Yeah, there are huge to be honest...he has big feet and long fingers and hands just like his mommie
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