Deep in thought
Checking out Daddy
So, I forgot to post this yesterday but Trey is finally at the 3lb mark. It may not seem like alot but it is for a preemie. This is a major milestone for him. Oh, and today they are going to start windowing him again...I hope it all goes well and they can get him off CPAP soon. He hates that darn thing and it is making his little nose so sore. Plus, he is getting indents in his head from it. I know they will go away but it can't be comforatable.
****So, they did his windowing for 2 hours today and he did great...Were there any doubts? LOL. They increased his food from 17mls to 18mls and he is now a heafty 1426grams. Which puts him even closer to the 1500 mark. When he gets there his will be better at maintaining his own tempuature and they will probley let him out of the isolett. Now that he is 30weeks he has become so much more alert...he just stares at us it is the cutest thing.
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