"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body." Elizabeth Stone

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day #4

So, today was a good day...actually better than good it was great. My husband and I got to hold Trey for the first time...I mean I held him for like 1 min the day he was born but today we both really got to hold him. If felt great and really helped quite the fear in my mind that we wouldn't bond. When they placed him in my arms the heaviness in my heart lifted and he just looked at me. I began talking to him and stoking his face and head, and his little tiny hands. His heart rate was so calm and his breathing was easier then I have ever seen it. He had a look on his face like...hey, I know you from somewhere I just can't put my finger on it. LOL!!! Then it was dads turn this was absolutely the first time he held him at all, except in the incubator while they changed his bedding. He looked so proud. I could just see the love pouring out of him...I don't know that I ever loved him more then in that perfect moment. Finally, we were all together..holding each other. It just felt right.. I have never had a more perfect moment in my life.
The doctors have upped his food again to 8ml every 2 hours and he is taking it down like a champ. He has also had his first 2 bowl movements which is beyond great. Peeing and pooing are two of the four things he has to do without problems before he can come home. I have never been so happy to hear that someone pooed !!! LOL HAHA :)
So, today is a great day...I no longer feel like my son is a art exhibit behind glass and we have poo, and our first family pictures. I will post them as soon as I get my husband to get them off the camera. Hopefully, tomorrow before we go the hospital.

UPDATE!!!! my husband and I spoke this morning...he basically said that it frustrates and scares him when I withdrawal from the world. He is afraid that I will shut down and get really depressed. He said I can come and cry on his shoulder anytime. Cry, scream yell whatever...I guess I am so use to be strong all the time because of my family that it is hard for me to show my weakness... Also, I know this isn't easy for him either and I don't want to be a bother...He just looked at me when I said that and said I can bother him anytime....This can do nothing but make us stronger.