They have began to wean Trey's O2 back...again. He is on regular room air as far as oxygen percentage goes but he has been on 4l of pressure. They brought him down to 3l today. The doctors also let me know that they are doing his 6wk follow-up head ultrasound on Thursday. They tell me not to worry...but are you serious...that is what I do LOL ;) So, big changes coming up. I can feel it...all good things but big changes.
Here is my gripe for the day...One of the nurses asked me how I would feel about him coming home on oxygen. Now, to the average mom this would not be a big deal...Just a question a simple comment but to I am freaking out. I promised myself to try to stay calm until tomorrow and speak with the doctor about how they feel about that comment.
So, on to more positive stuff...Our little monkey, or should I say...CHUNKY MONKEY!!! is 6 weeks old today, all 4lbs 12 oz of him...WOW, every week that passes by finds me more in love with him..It is just amazing how deeply I love that little guy :)
Dear Christopher,
Six weeks ago today you were born. I have to say it was a bit of a surprise. You were not due to come for 12 weeks but you had other plans. You arrived in a hurry too, your delivery only took 2 hours. Every week, I watch you grow and get bigger. I can't wait for the day that we can bring you home. I want you to know how very much you are loved by your daddy and me. To be honest I don't think we ever loved someone more then you. I know it may be hard to believe but I fell in love with you the second I saw you and heard your first little cry. So, here is to you son and your first 6weeks in this world...
Love you so much, Monkey
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