"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body." Elizabeth Stone

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We hit a 10 Month milestone EARLY!!!

Trey has been pulling himself to his knees for the last few days and on occasion he will stop army crawling long enough to get himself up on all fours. Today, He pulled himself to a stand and attempted to "cruise" from a blue canvas tote, to the couch. All of this just to get the remote! I almost did not get the picture because I was afraid that he would fall and bop his head. I ran got the camera, snapped the picture and he tipped backwards with the remote. He whacked his head and I held my breath. Then he laughed and started chewing on the remote. So much for my delicate little preemie!

So, this is a 10 month milestone! Yippie! Definatly looks like Trey is going to skip the milestones of crawling and sitting up (before walking ) and go straight to bust my butt and hit my head walking. He just does not have the trunk control for these dare devil baby moves. I just know that we will be headed to a ER visit for stictches in the next year, or less. Maybe I should get one of those " _?_ days since our last accident signs"!

I don't have pictures because I have temporally misplaced the cord to my camera but I will post them soon as I find it!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pulling to his knees!

Aw! look how big Trey is getting. He has started pulling himself up to a his knees! I am wondering if he will go from army crawling to walking?? I don't know, we will just have to wait and see!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

it's my MAD face!!!

Just wanted to share! LOL!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

I know I am way behind but....I have pictures!!!!

Finally, I have got some picts on this new laptop! so here they are!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

We are ready for spring!

Trey is doing amazingly well and I am so ready to break out of the house and FINALLY share the world with him. Due to the RSV and flu season we (like many other preemie mommies) have been on lock down. Spring is just around the bend and now that the little man is mobile I can't wait to start trolling the parks and what-not. Oh Yeah! he is mobile! army crawling his way around the house. He is saying mama and baba...dada doesn't seem to be an easy one for him.

Food: I am making Trey's baby food and to be honest I thought that it would be hard but it isn't actually, I find it pretty easy and OMG so much cheaper then store bought food. Money was my first reason for wanting to make his food and nutrition was second. I can't believe that Gerber is poisoning my baby or anyone else's child but some people think 'crazy' things like that...oh well, to each their own. But he loves squash of any kind, peas, carrots, bananas, apples and pears. I have an avocado and we will see about that but I have high hopes. To be honest, this kid will eat ANYTHING! Even if he makes a "ewww" face he will still eat what ever it is till it is gone.

I use the website www.wholesomebabyfood.com. It has so much info on baby food, how to make it and even family friendly menus with foods for everyone. I refuse to make separate meals for everyone in the future. I also have a book by Jessica Seinfeld called "deceptively delicious". I got it at first for Chris and I. The book basically is a way to sneak good foods into other foods to add nutrition to what you eat. For example, I hate zucchini but she has a ton of recipes that you add a puree of zucchini to the recipe and you can't taste it but you get the good nutrition of that particular food. More on that later.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

So many new tricks!

First of all, I have to apologize that I don't have any new pictures to put up. My laptop was acciddently broken and I had to get a new one. So, all my old pictures are on the old laptop and we have to pay 100$ to get them off of it and well, it is a recession people! So, that will get done eventutally....

Trey is doing amazing as usually (as if there were any doubts LOL) he is army crawling everywhere and I have given up trying to keep him in one spot. He has free rein of the house and that is just fine with me. He is saying "mama", "baba" and "dada" on occasion. Just yesterday I FINALLY taught him to clap his hands when I say "yeah!"